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"SAY KIDS, WHAT TIME IS IT?"  "It's time for..."
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the online encyclopaedia of contemporary british radio comedy

New announcement 1 May 2003 — please see the front page

Hello, and welcome to the British radio comedy experience.  This entirely unofficial but worryingly detailed site is your one-stop shop for information on the programmes and personalities that have shaken the airwaves in the dark days since 1980: from King Cutler to King Street Junior; from the Wow Show to the Now Show; from the League of Gentlemen to the League Against Tedium -- it’s all here, folks.  Come with me now, into the swirling mists of human inadequacy...
Click here to see the spingly, spangly, spingly-spangly framed version
Or here to see the front page in all its raw, frameless glory

Total number of newsgroup readers, Lee and Herring fans, lurking BBC LE producers and people with unusually competent search engines who have passed through since the site was established:
Web counter -- oh go on, if you only load one image on this site...

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