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Club DAB Italy

Website about DAB in Italy. From R.N.A., the association of the Italian National Private Radio Stations.

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DAB Belgique

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About Digital Audio Broadcasting in Europe...

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DAB Digitalradio

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More about digital radio in Norway.

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Digital Radio - DAB Platform e.V.

10 out of 10 stars (1 vote)

Site with extensive coverage of DAB in Germany, Europe. Also in english language.

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Web site which promote digital radio in France.

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10 out of 10 stars (1 vote)

The WorldDAB Forum, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, is the global club of professionals across all areas of the broadcasting industry, including radio stations, transmission equipment manufacturers, consumer electronics companies, research institutions and network providers. WorldDAB's goal is to underpin the move of DAB from the brilliant engineering concept to a fully-accepted, worldwide commercial marketing success.

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