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Bowling Green State University - Departement of Journalism

Offering courses in broadcast journalism, print journalism and public relations.

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Broadcaster Training

"Hands-on broadcast training in local radio stations. Let trained broadcasters personally instruct you. 1:1 teaching ratio. Flexible scheduling. Available to all age groups. Financing available. Accredited in 50 states".

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Broadcasting Training Program/MIBTP

"A non-profit 501(c)3 organization formed to provide training opportunities to minority college graduates in radio/television news reporting and news management".

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A list of career television and radio broadcasting education opportunities in the USA.

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Columbia School of Broadcasting

Situated in Virginia. We teach the skills needed to succeed in today's exciting world of broadcasting. Whether you live near our school or far away, our professional radio and television instructors can teach you the announcing techniques needed to succeed in this business.

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Radio College

a resource for freelance radio journalists and independent radio producers working in the United States. Our primary goals are to provide information and education to newcomers to the American public radio field and to provide career-development resources to freelancers and producers at mid-level.

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Take It From The Top

Learn How To Use Your Voice For Radio And Television Voice - Overs! This is the homepage for the book "Take it from the top", by Alice Whitfield.

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University of Texas - Radio, television and film

The RTF Department is one of six departmental programs in the College of Communication. The others include the Departments of: Advertising, Journalism, Speech Communications, Communication Sciences and Disorders and the program in Public Relations.

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Youth Radio

"A broadcast journalism training program for teenagers - particularly for young women, people of color, and youth from low-income families".

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